How can we send source data?

You can send your data in almost every file format. You can use MS Excel(xlsx), comma separated file (CSV) or tab/character delimited text files.

If your IT department is involved in the project and they wish to use other formats like json, xml, etc, we are totally fine with those data formats, too.

What is base video?

We can call it as the canvas of our whole project. Think of a video with no personalized fields. Only some empty boxes around or some strange silence parts in audio… Well, Persovi Personalization Platform fills out all these gaps with corresponding data read from data source.

Like, there will be a name or a date of an event in one of those boxes (No, box is not a necessary component. Just think of any proper space on the scene). Audio narration of “Hi Jane” will wipe the silence part away and finally we’ll have a complete, personalized video which is generated using base video and the source data.

How will these personalized videos reach the end users?

Via e-mail, SMS, your company portal or any other medium where you can identify each person.

We can handle mailing or sending SMS to your users with a link to watch the video.

What is a landing page and do we need to buy that?

Let’s answer in reverse order. No, you don’t need to buy landing page service.

Landing page is simply a container located on a website (either yours or ours) to contain a video player and some additional assets such as social media sharing button, a welcome tex, any other informatory text, links, etc…

With a landing page, you can:

  • Have better insight reports
  • Let users share their enthusiasm with their friends easily
  • Give additional information about the reason of that particular personalized content
  • Ask users to fill a form to join a campaign
  • Redirect users to your commerce site or a charity website via links

Video, even an interactive video as we are capable of generating, needs a home to go live in comfort.

What’s the opposite? We share direct stream URLs of the videos with end user and all they see will new the video and only the video on their screen. When they want to share it with other, they’ll need to copy the url and share it somewhere… And the target will be watching the video with no idea about what’s going on there!

So, landing page is a good frame, wall and info card for your perfect drawing…

Do we need IT support within our company to launch a personalized video project?

IT departments may help to build a personalization project with some high level features like on time production, daily production, deploying videos in your own platforms, etc.

But we are aware that sometimes you need to wait for roadmaps, resource planning, committees, etc. As we always try to deliver projects according to your needs, for sure we will come up with some non-IT dependent solutions for you.

If we need to go with your IT department, then we will do our best to adapt their infrastructure proposal for integration. We are very flexible about integration processes.